December 29, 2008


1st place
Christopher Wilcox
47 votes2nd place
Gabrielle Miller
44 votes3rd place
Mindy Dick
41 votes

December 23, 2008

7 SINS - Gluttony

We now have 17,953 members in the group.
15 pictures made the Sunday cut.


1st place:
Kenneth Nguyen
55 votes
2nd place:
Andy Gray
48 votes3rd place:
Julie Kozak
47 votes

December 15, 2008


We now have 17869 members in the group
25 pictures made the sunday cut.

1st place
Konrad Loesch
72 votes2nd place TIE
Michele Ferron
47 votes2nd place TIE
Brian Biros
47 votes3rd place
Lorri Salas
44 votes

December 08, 2008


We now have 17 658 members on the group
37 pictures made the Sunday cut

1st place
Slawek Kozdras
64 votes2nd place
Min Jay
63 votes3rd place
Mark Lewin
61 votes

December 01, 2008

Poll results

When asked "what editing program do you use?"
Members answered
Picasa 11%
Fotoflexer 2%
Photoshop 64%
other 21%


We now have a total of 17406 members
21 finalist made the Sunday cut

1st place
Romain Auclair
67 votes2nd place
Cael Cook
54 votes3rd place
Laura Lapinskienne
53 votes