January 26, 2009

7 Sins - Greed

We now have 19199 members
We had 17 finanlists on Sunday

1st place
Carlos Pelaez
84 votes2nd place
Rachel Jones
53 votes3rd place
Jeff Allen
46 votes

January 19, 2009


We now have 19027 members
26 pictures made the sunday's cut
1st place
Jessica Huang
87 votes2nd place
Alisha Hayward
85 votes3rd place
Marc Shields
63 votes

January 12, 2009


We now have 18 708 members
62 pictures made it to the sunday cut but 2 of them were removed for breaching of rules.

1st place
Brent Bouwsema
117 votes2nd place
Louise C. Christensen
75 votes3rd place
Stephen Schoonbaert
73 votes

January 05, 2009


We have 17981 members to date
17 pictures made the final Sunday cut.
1st place
John Rogers
81 votes2nd place
Hugo Cassat
42 votes3rd place TIE
Rafal Kapusta
39 votes3rd place TIE
Christopher Wilcox
39 votes